Sunday, May 10, 2009

Close call!

storm 2
Originally uploaded by bmwrider
Here is a photo of just half of the root system above the ground. It was a huge tree about 150 years old and I will miss that tree!

Storm Damage

storm 1
Originally uploaded by bmwrider
Saturday early in the hours of the night we had a strong storm move through. It has rained for the last two weeks and the ground is really saturated. I am glad the tree went into the pond and not on the house. As you can see it would have destroyed the house and I am not sure we would have survived the impact. Glad someone is watching out for us!

Friday, April 24, 2009

No post in a while!

This is sad that I have not had any new posts in some time now! I was busy the beginning of this year getting images ready for my first photo show in May. It was a great success and had about 200 people show up for the show. I can't wait to do another show this year. I am trying to decide where to go photograph this year since I did not win the lottery this year to go to McNeil. I have to try each year to go, but not lucky this year. I had considered to go to Alaska this year, but have too much to do around the house to go this year. A storm did some damage to my fence that I spent most of last summer building, so I have been busy rebuilding that. I missed a lot of great waterfall pics while re-building the fence! I hope to do more postings as time permits.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy New Year!

A happy new year to you! A lot will be going on this year for me and I have a lot of photo projects to do. I will be doing my first nature show in March and maybe I will get some intrest to do more shows. This is a new thing for me, so I will see how it goes. I will be going on my first mission trip with the church this year and i am excited about that. I plan on doing lots of nature photography this year. Stay tuned...