Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Backyard Photo Project No.2

Originally uploaded by bmwrider
This is the second in my photo self assignment " My Backyard". This is Queen Ann's Lace just before going into full bloom. These buds are not that cool looking from a distance, but when you get up close they are really nice. They go from this pod to multi-flower that is not my favorite, but we have lots of it in Arkansas. Canon 1Ds, 100mm lens.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Backyard Photo Project

Originally uploaded by bmwrider
Here is one of my first images from my "backyard" project. It is a self assignment project that will make me go out and look for things that make me think outside the box. I hope to post more later this week. Fall is just around the corner and I am ready to photograph the fall.

Location: my backyard
Camera: Canon 1DS
Lens: Canon 100mm macro

Thursday, July 31, 2008

No posts for a while....

I can't believe I have not had a journal entry since Jan 1! That is just not right! Well, lots has been going on and it has been a busy year so far. I have not had much creative time to blog, so maybe things will start to slow down a bit. I have been busy riding bikes this year as well as making some new ones (bicycles). I have converted a few old 10 speed bikes into some really nice single speed bikes. They are so much fun to ride around town. We have put on a few alleycat races and had a blast doing them. Hope to do some more in the fall. I'll post some more soon. I am on facebook now and I don't like it as much as blogging, but it is neat in it's own way.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

It is a windy and cold day today for the first day of 2008! We got up early and went to Van Buren to photograph the downtown area for some image backgrounds Becky needed for an upcoming special. We found some cool images and braved the cold and wind to get them. Becky photographed while I played with the new pocket camcorder I got for Christmas. Not a lot of excitement for the day, but the family had fun!