Monday, April 11, 2005


Well if I did not have enough to do, I found another hobby. It's called Geocaching. You use a GPS and the information at to find the cache that people have hid. I started a few days ago and I am having a blast with it. My daughter thinks it is so cool and she is having a blast at finding these things. She is very good at it and maybe better than me! I found 4 my first day and found 4 more the next day. I found two travel bugs over the past few days. Travel bugs have unique numbers and you attach them to something and release them into a cache. Someone finds them and reports back the tracking number at the website and takes it along for the next journey. The website tracks it's travels.

So far three of my friends at work have joined in the hunt and I bet more in the future. Should be a lot of fun.

Found TB "Der-Travel-Alot" today and will send it on it's way in a few days. Picked up "Randy the Flashlight" from Pignewton yesterday and droped him off at another cache. Also picked up "Scorpio Church Key" at a local cache. Will send all these Travel Bugs on their way in a few days.
