Friday, July 07, 2006

Blogging from McDonalds

Well, I took te laptop with me to breakfast today and decided to blog while here at the Russellvile McD's. Just got back from Alaska on a photo trip to the McNeil River. saw lots of bears and had a great time. I am having a hard time getting back into the grove of things. It is amazing what two weeks off will do to you! My laptop is several years old, but still works just fine for stuff like this.

I bougt me a new Targus backpack to carry my laptop around a bit more since there are so many wireless hotspots around town. I used to carry the laptop in a Targus laptop case, but it was too bulky and heavy. This back pack seems to be the solution for the time being. I am a bag nut, so if I see something better, I will get it. I hope to upload some Alaska pics to the blog soon.