Saturday, November 13, 2004

New camera!

Well it's not brand new, but it is to me. I got a great deal on a Canon 1DS the other day. It is real nice to have full frame 35mm and 11.1 mega-pixels! I have only did a few shots with it yesterday and am still playing with the settings to get the image that I like. Of course, I'll shoot raw, but for now I want to get the jpegs looking fine. My work flow is such that I prefer to work with the jpegs. We will see how it goes.

I really need to purchace Capture One to convert my raw files, but at $450 it's a little steep. Like every thing in digital it's the best stuff that get's you the best quality. It took me a while to figure out that I needed that 24-70mm f/2.8L lens and after buying it, it made a huge difference in my images on the Canon 10D. So I guess I'll break down and get the software. First, I'll try the new Canon software.