Monday, February 27, 2006

Katmai National Park

Katmai National Park
Originally uploaded by bmwrider.

Just thought I would post this pic to the blog. This is my wife's favorite image and it makes her smile when she sees it. So if she reads my blog today, she will get a smile.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Another HD crash!

Well, I guess I should have known it was time to get another hard drive when the last one crashed.  It ran about a week and had the same problem again.  I think the drive had a problem and I will replace it and start over again.  I have enjoyed my new iPOD and I am glad I updated to the new one.  Of course my daughter is glad also that I upgraded, because she got my old one for $100.  Now that's a sweet deal!  I have been trying to get my server up and going without much success.  I have a server that was given to me and it runs on Server 2000 and I have the disks, but have no admin password to get back in the system.  So it looks like I will be formatting and loading Windows server to get the thing up and going again.  It's an old system, but it will work just fine for what I want to use it for.  That's about it for now.


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Recovering from multiple HD failures.

Well, as I have said before there are two types of computer users...those tht have had hard drive failures..and those that will. After 6 years of one of my computers running non stop, Windows got stupid and could not find it's self. The day before the crash i had copied all my photos to another drive on another computer and the very next day the HD crashed. It' s all up and running again, but the computer that Becky uses at the studio decided to do the same thing. That was not as easy of a fix. after about 8 hours of placing programs back on and loading pre-sets we werre back up and running. Got to get some serious hard drive back up of some sort.